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Updated: Sep 2, 2022



Even though the teen years might seem carefree, teenagers have to make major life decisions as high school graduation is near. Some of these decisions include choosing which university to apply to, choosing a specific Bachillerato Modality, for the short term, and career path, for the long term. Other teens might enter the working world upon graduation, which requires them to find a job that interests and engages them. These future-oriented decisions have major consequences on the teen's life trajectory. But FRET NOT, you will finally make the choice and, if you have used common sense and have looked for sound advice, you will see yourself doing what you had dreamt of. Today's session may be of help.

Go to page 103 from your books Citizen Z B2. Now, observe these two pictures...

1. What do you see yourself doing in two years? Explain why.

Work or Study? or Both?

2. Both of them are the same age. But to what extent are their lives similar or different? How do they feel about the future?

Listening time!

3. Listen to this radio programme:

a. What option does Jo, a careers advisor, recommend that Alex pursues next year?

b. If you were Jo, would you recommend Alex the same? Why or why not?

4. Go to page 103 and do exercise 3, choose the best option.

Know some Vocabulary!

5. Have a look at the wordcloud with vocabulary form the unit and read all the words:

a. Join words that commonly appear together and write them in your notebook.

b. Then, do exercises 1-2 from the VOCABULARY section on page 103.



1. Observe the picture and say if teens have complete self-control of their lives?

2. Social media, school stress, the many dilemmas in your mind as you face transition to adulthood. Get more insight on the trials and tribulations of being a teen by listening to these two teenagers.

Answer these questions about the interview:

a. What do Elissa Hage and Lydia Yong think about social media?

b. How does each of them handle stress?

c. Which classes did they learn the most?

d. How important is it to keep a positive mindset now?

e. What do they feel passionate about and which lesson have they learnt in the past year?

3. Go to page 104 from your books and take the quiz. Are you in control? Are you A, B or C type? Share the result with your mates and discuss your answers.

If you are an A or B, maybe you need to start looking for solutions. Here is an article that can help you take the wheel of your life. Summarize the four tips it gives and say how you will apply them.


The first step for self-control is to openly express your preferences in a polite way. There are 3 main ways to express preferences in English:

a. prefer + noun/gerund + to + noun/gerund – used to talk about general preferences

  • I prefer tennis to squash.

  • I prefer cleaning the kitchen to cleaning the bathroom.

b. would prefer + infinitive with to + rather than + infinitive without to– used to talk about preferences for a specific moment or hypothetical preferences

  • I’d prefer to drive rather than to walk to work today.

  • I’d prefer to be rich rather than be famous.

c. would (much) rather /sooner + infinitive without to + than + infinitive without to – has the same meaning as would prefer

  • I’d rather see a film than go to a concert this evening.

  • I’d much rather live in a house than in a flat.

  • I's sooner go to the beach and play volleyball.

1. Work with a partner. Ask him/her the questions that appear in this worksheet :) Use the expressions of preference you've learnt in your answers. Explain.

2. Go to page 105 from your books Citizen Z B2 and do exercise 1 in the GRAMMAR section.

3. Watch this video explaining would rather and answer the final question in your notebook.



There are two important things we will do today. One is to give you some further guidelines about your videos. Yeah, you should have started to shoot some images. However, it is not that simple! It takes a lot of previous thought, no improvisation possible. Jimmy, who knows a lot about this, is going to give some tips about how to start. Please, listen to the whole audio and follow his directions:


The other point is your FCE Exam, we cannot forget about it. So, let's consider one of the most challenging exercises: the Open Cloze.

The Open Cloze consists of a short text with 8 gaps - 9 including the example. Each gap needs one word and you have to complete each gap by identifying the missing word. The main focus is grammar and you have to identify the speech part that each gap needs.

1. Watch this video explaining the task and answer the questions:

  • What speech parts are the target of this type of exercise?

  • What tips does it give?

2. Try these two Open Close Tests:



READ chapters 77 to 82 from We Were Liars by E. Lockhart while you listen to Madison. Summarise the chapters and write the new words in your glossaries, contextualize them in a sentence.

Enjoy the weekend! ;)



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