Hi, Wilson, one more day in this desert island...
....where death looms as serious threat!
Sorry, I got too pessimistic...
Well, this is a good introduction for Unit 6, fiction and immersive cinema experiences like the one told in Cast Away (2001), starred by Tom Hanks and based on Daniel Defoe's novel.
Today we will read an article about another immersive cinema experience, this one from 2002, 28 Days Later.
1. See an extract from it:
2. What do you think has happened? Write five hypotheses. Use expressions like it looks as if , it appears, it seems...and a proper verb tense.
3. Answer the following questions:
Does this situation ring a bell? Explain.
We are living the middle of a terrible pandemic. Do you think the situation depicted in the film is possible in real life? Can reality go beyond fiction? Explain.
3. Now do exercises 1 to 8 from page 76 and read the text on 77, SHAPE THE FUTURE II. Together with the article's reading comprehension exercises, you will also learn some new phrasal verbs.