Hey guys!
Like everything, entertainment has changed over the years. When I was a child I just had a few channels on TV to select and most of them were not for children so I ended up exercising my imagination.
Depending on what people like at the time, the industry of entertainment will work in a direction or another. Something important as well is the technology available at the time. I did not use to have a mobile phone , for instance. There was nothing like Youtube or Instagram. Well, music, TV, and movies are all subject to these changes too. Maybe you are not aware of this evolution right now but in only ten more years, immersed in metaverse*, you will be able to see how huge these changes have been.
* if you do not know what this means, write it in your glossaries and do some research at home. What did you find? Let me know tomorrow.
1. How many synonyms (words that mean the same) for TV can you think of? Choose five from these words and complete the sentences:
moving pictures telly big screen flicks idiot box
boob tube small screen TV set
nabe silver screen
Is there anything good on ...........................?
People call TV .........................
Turn the .......................... off. I want to read.
He's made several films for the ...............................
Compare this new ....................with the old one, you will see which is better.
2. Please watch the following video and discuss the following questions in pairs:
a. What did this video make you feel and why?
b. Do you agree with the statement that TV is "the idiot box"? Give reasons.
c. How much TV do you watch each day? What's your favorite TV program?
d. What can be the negative effects of watching too much TV?
e. What pastime would you choose in case TV did not exist? Would this pastime contribute to a better development of your intelligence? Why or why not?